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The total cost of 5g base station exceeds trillion, which will drive the explosive growth of optical fiber and cable demand
source:Wenzhou Hantang Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd Addtime:2021-12-29 Views:

Recently, Li Yizhong, former Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said at the "look at the 2020 financial summit" that the construction of 5g network requires about 6 million base stations, and the cost of base stations ranges from 1.2 trillion to 1.5 trillion yuan. There are 40 + 5g pilot cities in China, and 5g network coverage still needs 6-7 years.

The total cost of 5g base station exceeds trillion, which will drive the explosive growth of optical fiber and cable demand

The close combination of innovation and application is an important experience. Li Yizhong believes that 5g has become a field pursued by all countries, but the primary work to transform the latest technology into real productivity is to industrialize the technology. Specifically, 5g technology industrialization needs to start from two aspects: one is to build 5g network and the other is to manufacture 5g terminals.

Li Yizhong said that improving the service capacity of the information industry is a means. The more important purpose is to pay attention to the cross-border integration of 5g with various industries and fields of the national economy, especially industry and manufacturing, develop more application scenarios, and promote it in various industries after obtaining experience, so as to improve the overall level of digitization and intelligence of the manufacturing industry.

At present, the State Grid is committed to comprehensively promoting the construction of "three types and two networks" and accelerating the strategic deployment of building a world-class 5g network ecology with global competitiveness. Under this background, the accelerated landing of 5g will usher in explosive growth in the demand for photoelectric cables.