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Two world-class shield machines in China have been successfully offline
source:Wenzhou Hantang Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd Addtime:2021-12-27 Views:

Two world-class shield machines in China have been successfully offline

On May 10, the industrial test results of domestic shield / TBM main bearing reducer were released. The first batch of domestic 6m conventional shield 3M diameter main bearing reducer passed the test, marking a new major breakthrough in the localization of shield core components in China.

The main bearing, known as the "heart" of the full face tunnel boring machine (hereinafter referred to as the shield machine), bears the main load during the operation of the shield machine and is the key component of the cutterhead drive system. For a long time, the main bearings for shield machines in China have been imported. On July 24, 2015, China Railway United with the domestic leading enterprises in main bearing reducer technology, applied for the national strong foundation project for industrial transformation and upgrading, undertook the construction project of shield / TBM main bearing reducer industrial test platform, and carried out key technology research and industrial test of domestic main bearing reducer.

The industrial test platform of shield / TBM main bearing reducer was manufactured, assembled and commissioned in June 2018. After full investigation and demonstration, the test was officially started on July 12, 2018. After three stages of no-load test, load sharing test and acceleration test, the 10000 hour equivalent life test of main bearing reducer was completed on June 30, 2019, and the application status was good, All parameters and indicators operate normally. Domestic main drive frequency converter and 500 displacement hydraulic pump have stable performance and high reliability.

In April 2020, through the internal inspection of the main bearing and reducer, the review experts unanimously approved the loading method and test conclusion of the test platform, and confirmed that the relevant performance of the domestic main bearing reducer applied to the subway shield machine has met the standards and requirements, marking new and significant progress in the localization process of shield / TBM core components in China, It can effectively reduce the dependence on imported parts.

On the same day, the world's first mining small turn full face Hard Rock TBM was offline in the shield assembly workshop of China Railway Engineering Equipment Group. The equipment will be used in sijichun coal mine in Guizhou Province, marking that the R & D of China railway equipment in the field of TBM is moving towards a newer, more refined, more cutting-edge and broader direction.

Previously, the domestic largest diameter (9.83m) open Hard Rock Roadheader "Yunling" independently developed by China railway went offline on May 8. The equipment will be used in the water diversion project in Central Yunnan Province. Its successful offline once again broke the diameter record of domestic Hard Rock TBM, marking the further improvement of the high-end level of China's TBM R & D and manufacturing. (reporter Qi Huixia Xianqing)